Lakshman Jhula in Rishikesh

This article will help you to find every detail about the famous tourist attraction Lakshamn Jhula situated very near to Rishikesh in Uttarakhand. This article include every possible detail like, every information about Rishikesh, information about Lakshamn Jhula, temples in Rishikesh etc.

Lakshman Jhula Rishikesh

Lakshman Jhula is one of the famous visitabe spot in Uttarakhand and is situated in Rishikesh place of Uttarakhand. It is situated about a distance of 3 km from Main Rishikesh. Lakshman Jhula is about 450 ft long and is situated at an
height of 70 ft from the Ganga river.

Religious beliefs about Lakshman Jhula

There are many religious beliefs about this beautiful site in Uttarakhand. According to one of belief it is said that once Lord Lakshman (brother of Ram) had crossed the holy Ganga river by the help of a joute bridge which is now known as Lakshman Jhula. In 1939 a iron bridge was reconstructed at the same position.

Temples around Lakshman Jhula

There is a 13 storey huge building near Lakshman Jhula which is totally dedicated to the various temples. There are many famous temples like Lakshman Temple, Shiva Temple, many small pounds etc. Click here to know about temples in Almora district of Uttarakhand

Shopping in Lakshman Jhula

As Lakshman Jhula is situated very near to the most religious town Rishikesh of India so one can easily find many religious items here. However some of the items that one can easily found are- various stones, gems, religious books, wooden items, delicious food, holy water, every religious item etc.


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