Tadepalligudem Municipality from First Grade to Selection Grade Municipality

Tadepalligudem Municipality from First Grade to Selection Grade Municipality. Tadepalligudem is a well known business place is West Godavari Distirct, Andhra Pradesh.

Tadepalligudem: (Now Slection Grade Municipality)

Once upon a time Tadepalligudem is a village. It's named is Tadepallivari Village, Now Selection Grade Municipality. Government of Andhra Pradesh Released Orders on 16th Ocotber, 2010

History of Tadepalligudem:

Before 1950's, family members of Tadepalli Surname lived in here. Tadepallivari Village is a remote village in Alampuram Constitutency. A Dalit family farming land of Maylavarapu Jamindar Eenam Lands. They lived in present Paturu area. After some years Agri lands converted into housing plots and established Tadapalli village. Then, Pentapadu weekly market shifted to this village.

Municipal Status:

Tadepalli village is geographically situated in the centre of West Godavari District. In 1960 Tadepalli villages got Municipal Status with 27,000 Population.

First Chairman Kode Venkatarao Elected in 1968. At that time, there are only 16 wards, and annual revenue of the municipality is Rs. Five Lakhs, in 1967 Eeli Anjaneyulu Elected as Chairman of Tadepalligudem Municipality. Railway flyover bridge construction started. In 1970 the municipality got Second Grade. 1988 April 24th turned into First Grade Municipal Corporation. In 1981 Chairmen of Tadepalligudem Municipality elected as MLC and got a place in Ministry. Karri Someswara Rao appointed as Chairman of the Municipality. From 1972 to 1981 Tadepalligudem Municipal Corporation is under Mr. VRK Prabhakar's Special Officer Rule.

Present Tedepalligudem Municipal Corporation Population is 1.10 Lakhs. The annual revenue is Rs. 10 Cr.


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