Jasmine Flower - It's Medicinal Uses

This article provides information about Jasmine Flower and it's Medicinal uses, names of jasmine in different languages.

Jasmine Flower - Flower of Fragrance

Jasmine Flower - It

About Jasmine Flower:

Botanical name for Jasmine is Jasminum Sambac. Jasmine is a favourite of many, especially for the sweet fragrance it puts out. It is a spreading shrub which grows to a height of about 2 meters. The leaves are in pairs, with the broader portion at the base.

The white or cream coloured flowers are often picked and placed in the hair by the young ladies in India. The flowers are also put together by means of a string and sold in the market for use as a hair piece. The odour it gives is as strong or stronger than any commercial scent. Jasmine oil is very popular for fragrant oil which is used in high grade perfumes and cosmetics.

Watering and Fertilizer:

Jasmine plant requires average watering. During winter watering must be reduced to once a week. Over fertilizer might kill the plant. Its safe to use lower concentration of fertilizers.

Medicinal Use of Jasmine Flower:

* In case of accumulation of pus in the mammary glands of a nursing mother, the crushed flowers are to be applied externally on the breasts and this will check the secretion of milk.

* It is used to cure jaundice.

* Flower buds cures ulcers, boils, skin diseases.

* Jasmine tea helps in curing cancer.

Parts Used: The Flowers.

Names of Jasmine in Different languages:

In Hindi it is Moghra
In Tamil it is Adukkumalli
In Telugu it is Boddumalle
In Kannada it is Elusuttu mallige
In Bengali it is Mogra
In Malayalam it is Kudamulla
In Konkani it is Mogorim
In Urdu it is Azad
In Gujarati it is Mogra
In Oriya it is Belophulo
In Punjabi it is Chamba
In Sanskrit it is Ananga


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