Short profile of Chief Minister Jayalalitha & AIADMK party future plans in 2011
This resource "Short profile of Chief Minister Jayalalitha & AIADMK party future plans in 2011" gives you a brief description about our Chief Minister, early life, education and her entry into politics. In this resource you can also get to know the AIADMK Manifesto plans in Tamilnadu elections 2011 which paved a way for their victory. Read the article to know more on this topic.
Short profile of Chief Minister Jayalalitha
Ms. Jayalalitha after winning with majority in the Tamilnadu assembly elections 2011. assumed office as the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for the third time.
The 63-year-old Jayalalithaa popularly called as "Puratchi Thalaivi" in tamil which means a revolutionary women leader and is also reverred as "Amma" (means mother), has retained the lost power after a war DMK in the assembly elections held on 13th April 2011. Early life of Jayalalitha
Jayalalitha is born as Komalavalli in Mysore and her native place is Srirangam in Trichirapalli District of Tamil Nadu. She is an iyengar by birth. She had her education at Bishop Cotton Girls' High School in Bangalore later she came with her mother Sandhya, who was a tamil flm actress to Chennai. She studied in Church Park Presentation Convent in Chennai city. Jayalalitha's entry into politics
Jayalalitha became the successful and popular actress after her first film Vennira adai. She entered the politics with her successful image in the film industry under the guidance of MG. Ramachandran (MGR). After the death of MGR she restored the AIADMK party which was split and became the successful leader of the AIADMK party.
Jayalalitha became the Chief Minister of Tamilnadu for the third time
In the year 1991 Jayalalitha became the chief minister for the first time and this was due to the sympathy wave created due to Rajiv Gandhi Assassination. She had several cases in the court and lost power in 1996 but she was able to overcome all this and retained power in 2001.
Jayalalitha is admired by many women for her courage. She has been an inspiration to many Indian women and she has strived hard for winning in the assembly elections 2011.AIADMK party future plans in 2011
AIADMK Manifesto plans in Tamilnadu elections 2011
• Free Mixies and Grinders to Women• Giving 3 phase Connection across the state
• 20 kgs of rice given free every month for all Ration card holders
• Free laptops for HSC and Engineering Students
• Free Uniforms and a pair of Shoes for all School Children
• Gold "Mangalyam" for Brides who are from poor families
• 20 lts of water daily to those below Poverty Line
• Free Houses for those below Poverty line
• donating sheeps and cows for Poor families
• Loans for Women self groups
• Four months maternity leave for Pregnant women
• Donating Rs.25,000 to Poor Women for Marriage
• Free Cable connections for the poor