Tamil Panchangam Rasi Palangal for Sani Peyarchi 2011-2014 Predictions for all 12 Rasis
This resource "Tamil Panchangam Rasi Palangal for Sani Peyarchi 2011-2014 Predictions for all 12 Rasis" gives you the full astrological predictions based on the position of Sani in the rasi. In this article you get to know the Tamil Panchangam Rasi Palan for Sani Peyarchi 2011-2014 Predictions for all 12 Rasis.
Tamil Rasi Palan for Sani Peyarchi 2011-2014 Predictions for all 12 Rasi
Sani Peyarchi or Saturn transit is going to take place on 21-12-2011. This movement of Sani from Kanni rasi to Thulam rasi is going to change the lifestyle of all 12 rasi's. Our complete life which is filled with joy, sorrow, diseases, fame, comfort and discomfort, wealth, etc. are decided by the position of Sani or Saturn in ones birth chart. The effect of Sani peyarchi 2012 for 12 rasis or Saturn transit 2012 for 12 rasis is given in this article.Mesha Rasi (Aries) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
For Aswini, Bharani and Krithiga Nakchatram Mesha Rasi People the Sani is now going to move to the 7th place and this is called Kadaga Shani. Everything is going to be tougher than before. Your relationship with your spouse will strain there might be misunderstandings. Be patient so that you may avoid quarrels. There might be health problems, financial crisis, unexpected trouble, conjugal happiness, too much of travel, etc.Rishabha Rasi (Taurus) Sani peyarchi 2011-2014 Palangal
For Krithiga, Rohini and Mrigashira Nakchatra Rishabha rasi people Sani is going to move to the 6th Place. Separated families are going to reunite, i.e., any past family problems is going to vanish. Though there may be some unwanted expenses you will be rewarded with good income so that there would never be financial crisis. You will be blessed with Subha Kaarya like marriage and child birth by the Sani. Your relationships with colleagues and higher officials in the work place will improve. You will also be blessed with promotions. If you were suffering from any illness it will be cured. In short Sani Peyarchi 2011-2014 for Rishaba Rasi will be full of success and happiness.Midhuna Rasi (Gemini) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
For Mrigasira, Aridra, Punarvasa Nakchatra Midhuna Rasi people this Sni Peyarchi is going to give you a period of happiness. You are relieved of from the Arthashtama Sani period. All these days you might have suffered with lots of miseries due to the position of Sani. Now Sani is going to just lessen your burden but not to the full extent. There will be an improvement in Businesses. Official relationships with colleagues and superiors may strain. You may experience financial stress and there may be misunderstandings with your closed ones.Kadaga Rasi (Cancer) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
Lord Sani moves to the 4th place and this is called as the Arthastama Sani. This is going to be a very difficult period for you. Be calm and patient to solve your problems. Husband – Wife relationship may break due to misunderstandings and may even go for divorce. Your business will become dull. Relationship with higher officials may strain and may also force you to leave the job. You might also experience money problems. Take care of your health as you may fall sick. Sani peyarchi 2011 – 2014 period is going to be very difficult period in your life.
Simha Rasi (Leo) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
This is going to be a wonderful period for Simha Rasi people. You are going to be relieved from Ezharai Sani. Sani moves into the 3rd place and thus your 7 ½ year Sani period is going to end. All the strained relationships may recover and thus become normal. Marriages, child birth which were delayed will be blessed by Sani due to this Sani Peyarchi. Dull business will gradually flourish. Past illnesses will disappear. You will also get a good name in the work place. You may also get promotions and increments and also a better job opportunity. You may defeat your enemies. Thus basically it is a good period. Kanni Rasi (Virgo) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
Sani moves into the 2nd place and this is the last phase of Ezra Natu Sani. You might have a change in job or residence. You have to work a lot to get minimum results. You may also experience business loss, unnecessary tension, financial crisis, broken relationship, etc. Bear this last phase of Sani and worship the lord and do pariharams. Tula Rasi (Libra) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
Sani moves into the 1st place and this is called as the Janma Sani. One may have to suffer a lot due to this Janma Sani. You may miss many good opportunities in life. Your marriage relation may end in divorce. You have to face health problems, financial crisis, loss of job, low profit, secret enemies, etc.Vrisichika Rasi (Scorpio) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
Sani moves into the 12th place and you are going to the first phase of Ezharai Andu Sani. You may experience lots of discomforts in this period. Failure in business, loss of job, misunderstanding with your superiors may shake you financially. Relationship with your loved ones may strain. You have to face with lots of problems of all kinds. Be careful and solve your problems just by praying the Lord. Dhanur Rasi (Sagittarius) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
Sani moves to the 11th place which is called as the Shubha Labha Sani, i.e., you are going to be blessed with lots of good opportunities and luck. You will buy a house or flat, gold ornaments, vehicles, etc. You will get a good status in the society and your long waiting promotions, marriage, child birth, etc. will be blessed with the lord. You will be blessed with health and wealth. Thus it is going to be a goiod period in your life. Makara Rasi (Capricorn) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
This is going to be a tough time since the Sani moves into the 10th place. Think well before you act. There will be love failure, strained relationship with spouse and higher officials. Lots of work pressure may cause health problems. Some may even lose the job. Thus it is a very tough period. Kumbha Rasi (Aquarius) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
Sani moves into the 9th place and thus you will be relieved from Ashtama Sani You will be blessed with success in business, wealth, property and gold. Relationship with your spouse will flourish and you will be blessed with a baby. This period is going to bring you joy, fame anf prosperity. Meena Rasi (Pisces) Sani peyarchi 2011 - 2014 Palangal
Sani moves into the 8th place which is called as the Ashtama Shani. This is going to be a very difficult period for you. You will suffer from family struggles, mental pain, financial problem, misunderstandings, etc. Health will be affected. In short you have to be very careful during this period.
For poojas and pariharams for Sani Peyarchi 2011 – 2014 check the below link:
Sani Peyarchi Pariharams and Poojas