Recipes of Wheat Halwa and Maida Halwa
Halwa is a sweet which is loved by all and especially in south India and there is a town in Tamil Nadu which is really famous for Halwa. This is the sweet if we think itself will yield our tongue to taste it. It can suit to any festive seasons.
How to make Maida Halwa
These two halwas are unique in the sense both are done on a similar way by taking respective milk. Now see the recipes.
Ingredients to make Maida Halwa
Maida – 1 kg
Sugar – 1 and ½ kg
Ghee – ¼ kg
Cardamom – 5 nos
Cashew nuts – 50 gms
Maida Halwa making
Maida flour may be made a dove like preparation and this dove may be soaked in water for 4 to 5 hours which will yield to a solution like milk and the dove may be crushed gently to get fine milk contents out of it. This milk may be boiled and stirred nicely with simmer heat and half of it is reduced to thick, sugar may be added and stirred. Almost ¾ is reduced to form a thicker solution, ghee and cardamom may be added which may help the contents as non sticky to the vessel. After bringing down, fried cashew nuts in ghee may be spread on the top.How to make Wheat Halwa
Ingredients to make Wheat Halwa
Whole Wheat – 1 kg
Sugar 1 and ½ kg
Ghee – ¼ kg
Cardamom – 5 nos
Cashew Nuts – 50 gms
Wheat Halwa making
The whole wheat may be soaked for 4 to 5 hours and may be grinded in a grinder and milk like solution may be drained by adding water to the flour till we get a nice solution. After this, preparation is same like maida halwa. That is wheat flour milk may be boiled and stirred nicely with simmer heat and half of it is reduced to thick, sugar may be added and stirred. Almost ¾ is reduced to form a thicker solution, ghee and cardamom may be added which may help the contents as non sticky to the vessel. After bringing down, fried cashewnuts in ghee may be spread on the top.
Note: If colour is needed, a pinch of halwa colour may be added by adding into little water and added before ghee is added for both the halwas.