Thalivaa music album review
Thalivaa is one of the most anticipated film of 2013.This Tamil film directed by A.L.Vijay starring Ilayatalapthy Vijay and Amala Paul in lead is already in list of most anticipated films.The tracks were released on June 21, 2013. Now let us get into a short review of these tracks.
Thalivaa is the most anticipated films and the songs of GV Prakash Kumar was given much hype.Could Gv satisfy the hype? Are the tracks engaging?Let us find out an answer by a short analysis of these tracks.
Tamil Pasanga
Vocals: Benny Dayal, Psycho Unit, Sheezay
The album starts off with a modern track and we never heard something like this from G.V.Prakash Kumar earlier. This one is surely to boost the dance skills of the actor as Ilayathalapathy Vijay is well known for his dance skills. The songs never disappoints too.It is modern peppy, nice and energetic. The use of modern musical instruments has made this track alive. Off course it is a good pick of album. The melody tune is also tried with the racy track. It is nice to see Gv trying out for such mix which succeeds well. It is not everyones cup of tea but it never makes listener bored too.An engaging track to start of with lyrics, song rendition and composition in new generation style. The rap tune in the middle of the track can be takes as main highlight of this track. Anyhow a good track to start off in an album.
Yaar Indha Salai Oram
Vocals: G.V. Prakash Kumar, Saindhavi
Gv Paraksah as composer is well known for his melodies.He never makes us fellbad in his albuma sit would be surely having at least one melody to keep in mind. Here too the routine has not changed. The pair that always makes melodies are back with another. This one is not the biggest melodied ever from Gv. But it is not bad at all. The simple composition and meaningful lyrics make the song worth a listen. Te vocals from Gv-Saindhavi pair once again recreated romantic beauty and the main part that makes the song beautiful lyrics. This one is clearly for the melody lovers and so the music lovers will never leave this smoothly track. A track that keeps simple in composition but still keeps the listener engaged. Another god track and hats off G for keeping the pace in melody world with consistency.
Vanagana vankanaga
Vocals: Santhanam, Vijay
Easily the topper of this album and this soup song will be the sure shot at hit charts. The song starts off with the dialogues from Santhanam and Ilayathalapathy Vijay. As it is the 25th song from Vijay,the hype was huge and the hype is justified. The actor again takes away heart with mind blowing vocals after Thuppaki. The soup song is nice with good modern lyrics and the youthful song would be surely rage among youth. Simple drumbeats, simple song rendition and that itself is huge enough to make this song hit. Another blockbuster track from Singer and composer and so never miss out this one in Album.Thumbs up for the mass hit track of Thalivaa album.
Sol Sol
Vocals: Abhay Jodhpurkar, Megha, Vijay Prakash
This one was the track that went completely worn gin this album.The composer tries to make the song look peppy and modern with techno beats. The song rendition justifies it but the track falls short. This composition is partially successful. We can point out this track as the weakest among all other tracks of album. It is not at all bad but never makes the listener exclaim like previous tracks and hope it would die out so. Go for this one if you are that eager to know what makes this song better.
The ecstasy of Dance
Vocals: Chennai Symphony, Instrumental, Kiran
A theme mood song and this track is good in its execution. The track is completely based on 'yar indha sali oram' melody.But still is good to listen as the composition is worthy. Not a big track to boast of but it is easily a decent approach to bring in good them. Gv can be proud that he could bring in such an attempt.
Thalivaa Thalivaa
Vocals: Haricharan, Pooja, Zia Ul Haq
This one is another good track of album and although little old sensed engages with the listener. It is mainly concentrated on the mass that Ilayathalapthy Vijay follow.The fan base and the power of a leader is well blend. It will be treat for fans and for a listen it is never harmful too. Keeps the pace well and after a try the words Thalapathy Thalapathy would remain in mind. Hard work in song rendition and composition and this track is correct one for a film of this kind. Surely another good attempt from Gv that deserves appreciation.
Thalivaa is not the best album ever but it is not at all bad. We cannot call it average or above average too.It falls to the good category with some tracks falling miserably and some tracks going to trend setter range.Gv Paksah Kumar has succeeded as composer and singer. It is truly a treat to the fans and music lovers. Especially Vanganna would be the evergreen hit of this album and so can be rated as worth a listen.
Rating: 6.5 out of 10
Our picks: Vanganna, Thalivaa