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Boomers, Gen X, Millenials and Gen Z. Who are you?
  • Category: Culture & Festivals

    Boomers to Gen Z

    Surprised when somebody calls you the Silent Generation or Boomers or the Millenials! Want to know what these words mean? Contribute your thoughts to these words and terms over here.

    Yesterday I was having a good time conversation with my friend Sultan. It was a very interesting discussion and all of sudden he said "Wo to Boomer hai"! I was taken aback and surprised.
    In my mind, I was wondering, what is a Boomer? Is he talking about chewing gum that we had during our childhood? (Remember: Boom Boom Boomer?) Or was it something else?
    Well, I asked him, "Yaar, ye Boomer kya hai?" He laughed, and said, "You don't know!"

    Timidly, I said to him, "No yaar! Seems like I have rusted brains now! Please tell me." He laughed loudly! So he said, Boomers are those people who are not tech-savvy. In my mind, I said, "Thank God! It's not me!" Going further he said that after the Boomers, came Gen X. From the 1980s, came the Millenials and those born after the 1996s, came Gen Z.

    What are your thoughts on these terminologies? What would be the next generation called as? Do share your thoughts!
  • #26858
    Thank God, I am also not a boomer. I never heard this word and it is a learning for me from this post. But I may not belong to Gen X or Gen Z. Probably next generation may call us Gen O where O stands for old. I am not aware X and Z stand for what. These days Technology is playing a very important role in our lives and everybody should get updates with the latest developments so that we can keep pace with the developments that are taking place around us.

  • #26860
    Well, I never thought that you'll write a thread out of the conversation!

    How to identify Gen Z: Always stuck to mobile screen, plays some game and yells loudly, their favourite place is Instagram and also will notice a pattern in their haircut. All are mostly 12-18 year old but thinks they're the power behind the world moving in it's axis! Unfortunately they often forgets that all those games and social media are built and maintained by their previous generation 😎

    (Smileys are allowed here? I'm a noob.)

    Sultan Mustafijul Hoque

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