Avoiding controversial forum discussions
Please avoid posting and discussing controversial topics on the SocialVillage website forum.
Dear All
I am very happy to note and see so many great write-ups, posts and discussions coming up on our Social Village website. In the world of today, there are many controversial, debatable and political things happening around India. Many of these happenings are bluffed up either by the media or maybe by real situations happening around.
While these may be great topics to discuss on our website, I strongly suggest avoiding them at all costs. We do not want SocialVillage to become a website of throwing flak at each other. We also do not want any website growth in that direction. Kindly avoid any discussions on war, crime, or civil disturbances in neighbouring countries.
These topics are also not favoured by Google AdSense policies. Kindly note that if any such discussions are observed, they will be promptly deleted.