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  • Category: Miscellaneous

    Story:A Young boy simulation in cultivation!

    Once upon a time, a boy who received annual holidays traveled to his grandmother's village to spend those holidays. As he sat at the bus window and took in the picturesque view of the village, he also noticed some farmers cultivating an agricultural field. He carefully observed the farmers working the land with oxen.

    Farmers are preparing the field in rows because they are about to plant their seeds.
    A plow is a tool or farm implement used in farming to loosen or turn the soil during the initial cultivation stage before sowing seed or planting.

    When he missed the annual holidays, he used a small crowbar in his home to plow the field in front of the vacant land in front of his house and plant seeds of brinjal, lady finger, and broad beans. He did this to mimic what farmers did, and each day he would pour water on the seeds to watch them grow. After a while, all of the seeds turned into vegetables, and they were consumed every day for lunch and dinner.

    Moral of the story:
    Gardening is more than just a hobby; it's a lifestyle. ...
  • #26968
    Nice story Bhushan! Looking forward to getting to read more stories from you!
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  • #26969
    An excellent story with a beautiful message to all. One should plant trees. Trees will give us fresh air with oxygen and give us vegetables and fruits. So it is our duty to take care of the plants. If we take care of the trees and plants, they will take care of us.
    Another point we should note here is that children learn by seeing and observing. So, elders should note this and behave properly before them. We should stand as an example to them. The boy in the story started growing plants after seeing the farmer in the field. The same will be the case for all the boys and girls.

  • #26988
    A story with a lesson from the author. There are teachers who teaches students about the plants and their uses. Every children in the house should made understand about the plants and uses practically besides their knowledge on this topic from school subjects.
    I was during my childhood interested planting in houses. Unfortunately we lived in an upstairs house but fortunately have an open terrace above our house. I filled sand in the broken tin buckets and planted cluster beans, tomato, bitter guard and bhindis. A good quantity of vegetables we gained for our house. This was actually encouraged by our grand father as we lived in a joint family.
    Parents should encourage their children in the house to have small plants and thereby there are chances in them to gain knowledge about the real usages of plants and trees.
    Besides this children should be taken by parents to the nearby village paddy or wheat fields and show them the cultivation methods.

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