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  • Category: Culture & Festivals

    Happy Father's day to all the members

    Father is a person to whom we should salute every day and respect 24 X 7. Why reserve a day for him? We worship Lord Ganesha every day before every Pooja even then we have a Gahesh Chaturdhi separately. In the same way, we can have a day marked as Father's Day.

    Father is our first teacher. He will hold our hands and teach us how to walk. He will show us the path that gives us a happy journey of life. He is second to none and he should be respected always. I salute my father for the beautiful life he has given to me. Happy Father's day to all.
  • #26996
    Father is a incomparable person to every one's life. His importance should never be calculated with his bequeathed money or wealth. Many present people are thinking like that only the father is remembered only because of his wealth. Every father tried to the utmost level to make his children with valuable wealth of education. The education to any children is requiring a good volume of money and many fathers are struggling to feed the education to their children with much struggle. But without thinking to a fraction of second the children abandoning their parents.
    A child was in an Exhibition with his father. By holding the hands of father the child enjoyed everything around him such as merry go round, colorful lights, dancing ,music etc., Amidst the crowd push and pull, the child lost its grip of his father's finger. On that instant he started to cry and roaming here and there in search of his father. Now nothing was attracted his eyes earlier cherished him. Though everything earlier were present, his entire mind is in his father.
    Similar to that we many felt importance of our father only in the absence of father.
    However, I share with the author for wishing all our readers a Happy Father's day.

  • #27002
    Though every member of the family is important but the importance of father is tremendous considering his role in providing the livelihood to the family. He is the main pillar of the family and in absence of a father family members would be in big trouble.
    On the occasion of father's day I wish and hope that everyone takes care of ones father especially when father becomes old and is dependent on the children.

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