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  • Category: Assam

    Is he interested in me?

    I asked this guy if he is interested in me
    and he said "no, i am okay like this"

    does this mean he is not interested?
  • #27060
    Hello Precious Girl
    Thank you for approaching SocialVillage with such an important query of your life. We appreciate your faith in the online community.
    As has been seen innumerable times, it is extremely difficult to understand what goes on in a person's mind and what would be the actual meaning of certain words. At the most, on an online forum, we can do a guess of what one may be saying and feeling.

    Also do keep in mind that each day may be different and minds may wander on various issues. The minds and brains of guys and girls work in completely different ways. What guys mean to say may not be what they may be feeling at the time. Completely opposite are girls. Girls speak to the point and do mean what they say.

    Unfortunately, this is the reality of life and something that we have to deal with, by taking a bitter pill.

    The best way to find out a solution for your query is to give time and approach your concerned in different ways possible. A single occasion or comment, should not be given a lot of importance. Moreover, it should never be looked upon as the end of a relationship.

    If you are genuinely looking forward, then give time, and understand your and his life situations. Have open discussions about why they may not be looking forward to a deeper relationship. Are there any obstacles? Are there any misunderstandings? Are there any financial worries? Is there any other person with whom they may be confused about? Or is it that they may not genuinely be wanting to commit?
    Is there anything that is expected from you? Or is it that the time is just too early for any decision? Find out whether it is a strong relationship in the making, or simply a fallacy.

    Try to answer all of these questions; and any other questions that you both may have. In the end, you should be able to land up on a strong point of view. Accordingly, your should be able to see a clear view of how your relationship may go, and be strong to face the same.

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  • #27064
    Welcome to this site and we hope that you would be contributing here in a regular way.
    Coming to your question I feel that people generally take time in answering 'yes' to any proposition made to them. This is human nature that first they want to assess the person who is making that offer and once they are satisfied in all respect then only they will give indications of affirmation from their sides. Generally a long courtship precedes any positive signal from either side. It is a game of patience and one must wait for the right opportunity in this respect.

  • #27085
    Welcome to this site and I expect to see many more contributions from you. When we are posing a question, we should give minimum input so that others can come out with their suggestions.
    There is a Telugu song in a Telugu movie which says that the meanings of the words uttered by ladies are different. If they say "yes", the meaning is "no". If they say "no" means they really want to say 'Yes'.
    Maybe the guy in the question is also a person like that. Approach the guy again and again and you may be able to understand his real intentions.
    As mentioned by others, the guy may require some time to come out with a positive answer. You should have that Patience.

  • #27096
    It is important to know the intention of a person before getting into any kind of romantic relationship or creating fake scenarios in our mind because it will only end up in heartbreaks, sadness and pain. In any form of relationship mutual love and respect is a must and unrequited love often causes much pain. So instead of assuming things on your own seek clarifications from the person in question not in the form of arguments but in frank manner like friends where you don't have to hide anything. Even a shy person will give some form of love, affection or show it through his gestures if he is not sure of putting his feelings in words. If he still give vague replies I don't think you should get attached too much.

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