Where does the peace in families come from?
There was a very interesting discussion, that was purely information in a party held at a friend's house. Since it was a meeting of Senior citizens, the sons and daughters, now in their thirties, formed their own group and did not participate in any discussion held between the Senior citizens, to which group I belong to.Well, the general consensus is that we have missed the bus on the spirituality front. We have had a big gap between the parents and the children in the past fifteen years, and this is one very important point that came up for discussion. That is, the peace that was there in those days, in our houses, is now far less now. The second point is the repeated point of lack of communication and lack of time for any serious discussion, since everyone is so busy with cell phones and computers and Facebook.
The rising aspirations of the Gen Y and the inability of parents to have any serious influence on their living styles was another point that came up for discussion. We, the grand parents at this moment, shudder to think the complications when our children become senior citizens some thirty years down the line. Will the peace in families become very minimum then?
We have no answer at this point in time; but the possibilities of peace of the old kind, do not seem very bright.