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  • Category: Home & Family

    Where does the peace in families come from?

    There was a very interesting discussion, that was purely information in a party held at a friend's house. Since it was a meeting of Senior citizens, the sons and daughters, now in their thirties, formed their own group and did not participate in any discussion held between the Senior citizens, to which group I belong to.

    Well, the general consensus is that we have missed the bus on the spirituality front. We have had a big gap between the parents and the children in the past fifteen years, and this is one very important point that came up for discussion. That is, the peace that was there in those days, in our houses, is now far less now. The second point is the repeated point of lack of communication and lack of time for any serious discussion, since everyone is so busy with cell phones and computers and Facebook.

    The rising aspirations of the Gen Y and the inability of parents to have any serious influence on their living styles was another point that came up for discussion. We, the grand parents at this moment, shudder to think the complications when our children become senior citizens some thirty years down the line. Will the peace in families become very minimum then?

    We have no answer at this point in time; but the possibilities of peace of the old kind, do not seem very bright.
  • #27118
    Things are changing very fast and the patterns of relationship are also changing in the families. Most of the people are busy with their hand held devices and have no time for communicating with each other. The passing down of cultural things to the next generation is totally missing in our families.
    This is at all not a good trend and the future seems to be more bleak in this regard. Seniors are slowly losing their grip on the family members and the general discipline is decreasing which is a bad sign and restoration of peace seems to be a thing of far.

  • #27136
    The main item for peace in any house is avoiding quarrels, shouting and arguments. Especially these are to be avoided in front of children and sick elders.
    Difference of opinions are normal in any place either in office or house. We should control ourselves when others are erring in spite of our advices. It is our duty to indicate others especially children when erring from normal.
    In one house a house lady offered coffee to her husband without sugar. He find at his first sip the missing of the sugar. He intimated this to his wife. if she silently obliged and added some sugar. Instead if she argues that she put sugar in the coffee, the chaos comes.
    For this perseverance, the citation have been given in the life of Thiruvalluvar. Once Thiruvalluvar was asked by a friend about the perseverance during Thiruvalluvar was eating his breakfast. He was taking previous day's rice soaked in water. Silently he called his wife, Vasuki Ammal, who was draining water from well at the backside of the house. On hearing his calling, she put the pot and rope as it was and came inside. Valluvar asked her to do fanning with a hand fan on the food he was eating. Without saying any word, Vasuki Ammal did so. Surprised friend saw at the outside and further surprised that the rope and pot were hanging as it was at the well without falling inside.
    Here we have to learn that the silently adhering leads to total peace in the place. Arguments or counter words definitely raise chaos and make the situation worsen than anything. This is not right to argue about the self respect or our rights.

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