September 2023 Topic-based contest - Comeback
Essentially it's a comeback in a new form and on a new platform and I am sure many of you are already aware of this topic-based contest. For newcomers, the rules and regulations are explicitly mentioned in this announcement thread itself. So, let's go straight to the contest.What you need to do:
You need to submit a thread in the appropriate category with a suitable title in the Social Discussion Forums on the topic Comeback. Analyze the topic in various ways and write something interesting.
General rules:
1. Your entry must be in English and you need to stick to the Forum posting guidelines.
2. One member can submit two entries on different perspectives of the topic.
3. The thread should not be very lengthy but a compact one.
4. The URL of your threads must be provided here so that we can understand the posts for this contest.
1. The best entry will get a cash reward of Rs 25/- and 25 points.
2. Other suitable entries will be given enhanced points.
Last date of submission of entries – 17 September '23