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  • Category: Suggestions

    I hope this new trend will continue every month

    I am forced to start a new thread because the concerned Forum post September 2023 Topic-based contest has been locked by the respected Editor.

    In that contest thread, it is found after closure of the contest, it was decided to re-open the contest to accommodate entries of two participants. More importantly, it has also been decided that in the case of these two participants, the need of providing link has been dispensed with.

    I personally face many problems to provide link because I am not very computer-proficient and the html link is unnecessary complex. So, I hope that the trend started by the respected Editor to dispense with the link will continue in all other contests to be organized in future.

    Thank you.
  • #27231
    Partha K,

    Since the participants faced issues with providing links and mentioned them in the announcement thread, their entries were accepted. If you have missed my response there, which is locked now as the contest has ended, please have a look at response #27227 where I have already mentioned that if the contestants face any issue with providing the links they should post only the URL, instead of links, to refer to any other post/entries to a contest.

    You have given the links correctly, in the announcement thread and this post, and I feel you provide the links quite efficiently.

  • #27232
    Sankalan Sir: My very limited contention is that if I forget to provide link, or unable to give link due to any technical issue, I hope such relaxation will be given in future contests also.
    "Tera chehra kitna suhana lagta hain; Tere aage chand purana lagta hain"--Kaif Bhopali

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