Because of the unpredictable weather all around the globe, cyclones have increased a lot. It is always better to take steps to minimize the destruction. The citizens and the administration have a role to play. Strategies have to be formulated to tackle situations during cyclones. Identifying the cyclone-prone areas is important which is possible nowadays with the use of the latest technologies. To minimize the destruction, the types of construction should be such that they can withstand strong winds. The authorities must inspect the constructions and certify them without indulging in any illegal/unapproved construction. Structures and buildings which are under construction should be properly shielded whenever there is a warning of a cyclone and it has to be supervised that the developers carry out the instructions. The trees and their branches must be trimmed at regular intervals so that the branches do not become excessively large which becomes difficult to remove during the clearing-up process. Keeping the emergency services alert to move out in any adverse situation is necessary. Keeping the roads clean and litter-free also has a role. During heavy rains the drainage system can be blocked by litter which becomes unmanageable and every citizen has a role here. We must keep our neighbourhood clean and should not throw waste here and there. During any cyclone or severe storm the power goes off. Many times it is kept off as a protective measure and in such cases, some arrangement of a backup system should be there. Power generators are the option during this time and sufficient generators and fuel should be in place so that the essential services can be maintained during the crisis.
For citizens, remaining aware of the cyclone warnings and finding a safe place during the cyclone is important. Keeping essential items like batteries and torches, dry foods, potable water, etc are a must. During the absence of power, a portable radio receiver can help maintain awareness of the latest weather updates. The important thing is not to panic but to remain aware of the latest situation and act accordingly.