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  • Category: Fun & Entertainment

    Taking resolutions is easy. But implementing them is not easy

    Resolutions. This word we hear very often and at the same many times around the start of a new year.

    Many of us take New Year resolutions and we say that we will implement them. But we will see many of the resolutions will repeat in the next year's resolutions also. One of my friends told me that he resolved to stop smoking from New Year's Day of 2020. Sincerely he stopped smoking for 2 days and on the 3rd day, he started smoking. From that year onwards stopping smoking was one of his resolutions but never implemented it fully.

    Top bosses in many organisations sit together take many resolutions and pass orders to their subordinates to implement them. These executives have to implement them without failure. The obstacles they face during implementation will never bother the top bosses.

    A resolution made with the acceptance of all the stakeholders will be implemented easily. But resolutions forced on us will be very difficult to implement. I think all the members will agree with my observations.

    This is my entry for the contest
    January 2024 Topic-based contest - Resolution
  • #28422
    I fully agree that making resolutions is easy but the real challenge comes when we want to implement them and find a big resistance for it from ourselves only. This is a strange situation. At the same time, some people have strong determination and discipline in their lives and when they make resolutions then they make them only when they are sure that they will be able to follow them. It makes sense to make a few focused and realistic resolutions instead of making so many just like that.

  • #28442
    There is no fun in taking a resolution if we cannot implement it. Still, some people take resolutions but are not able to follow them strictly.

  • #28450
    The author is correct. Many people even bought or collect diaries with a resolution of writing daily events. But such resolution goes to a week or two and later the diary is going the children's hand for drawing.

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