Content posting permissions

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Content posting permissions

This post explains content posting permissions and explains what you need to do if your posting permissions are removed.

All members are allowed to post content in most of the sections of this site. However, we may revoke permissions from certain members if they violate certain policies.

In case of poor quality, we will reject the content, but may not remove posting permissions from the member, unless member repeatedly post such poor quality content and increase work load for editors without showing any signs of improvement. Our aim is to help you learn and improve your content writing skills.

In case of certain policy violations, we will move the post to 'Pending' status with appropriate comments. You should follow the directions given in the comments and re submit the post after correcting the mistakes. We may move to Pending status again if there are some other violations of chances of improvement.

In case of good content authors, we are much more strict and try to catch each and every small mistake and ask them to correct. This is to help them become the best content contributors and also to have some very high quality content in our site. In case of newbies, we may excuse some minor issues initially to keep them motivated.

In general, we remove posting permission for a member from one or more sections for the following sections:

1. Intentionally post spam, to promote other sites/products/business.

2. Reproduce descriptive content from other sources.

We do not excuse the above violations and the posting permission of the member will be immediately removed.

How to get back permissions to post after it is removed

Once you lose the trust, it is hard to get it back. Once you lose your posting rights, we will not allow you to post again until you prove yourself that your intentions are not against the policies of this site.

There are couple of things you can do to get permissions back:

1. Actively participate in the forum by answering questions posted by other members. Once you are noticed by editors and webmasters through your valuable contribution and help to others in the forum, it will be easier for you to request permissions back.

2. Post an apology in the forum explaining the mistakes you did (spam, copy pasting etc) along with URLs of your post. Also, explain why you did the mistake (ignorance of the rules, you thought what you did was not wrong etc)

3. Demonstrate your writing skills by posting good, detailed forum responses. If you convince us that you have excellent writing skills, you may get your permissions back quicker.

What is most important is convincing us that you are capable of writing good content.

If you are caught for copy pasting articles and if you post an apology in broken English, we will assume that you are not capable of writing good articles anyway. So, we may refuse to give you permissions again since your writing skills are not good, you may continue copy pasting again later.

If we are convinced you can be a good contributor to this site, we will restore your permissions one time. If the mistake is repeated later, you will lose your permissions again, but it may take 10 times longer to get it back after the second removal of permission.

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