Telephone numbers of Electricity Board Kurukshetra

Official address of The Superintendent Engineer of Kurukshetra:

Superintending Engineer,
Uttar Haryana Bijli Vitran Nigam
R.E.C.K. Campus, Kurukshetra
Phone No.: 01744 – 220956

Important Numbers of Electricity Board Kurukshetra:

S.E - 238956, 238955

XEN (Op.)- 220120, 230220

XEN M & P- 221578,221878

XEN.Const.- 221680, 221379

S.D.O. (Op.)-I- 234028, 220253

S.D.O.(Op.) Sub.Div.No.2- 291850, 220509

S.D.O.(Op.) 66KV- 230242

S.D.O. Pipli- 230241, 232755


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