Newton's law of motion

This article will help you to find every information about Newton's three laws of motion.

Newton's laws of motion

Sir Issac Newton is the second most famous scientist every after Sir Albert Einstein. Sir Issac Newton deeply studied the variation of motion of a body with many parameters. After studying hard he gives three laws know as the Newton's laws of motion

Newtons laws of motion

Newton gave three basic laws of motion upon which all the Physics is based. These laws are-

Newton's law of Inertia/ Newton's first law of Motion
According to this law "all the material particles continues in a motion either they are acted upon by an external force".

Newton's second law of motion
It is the basic law of Motion. It correlates the motion of body with the force acted upon it. According to this law-

F = m * a

where F= force acted on the body
m= mass of the body
a= acceleration on body.

Newton's third law of motion
According to this law "every action has equal and opposite reactions".


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