How to get good marks in High School Examination?

High school examination is conducted by MPBSE in MP. In this article I am providing important tips to prepare different subjects for better performance in high school examination. If you are going to appear in high school examination in coming years, then this article is for you.

I have observed that many students complaining not getting expected marks in high school examination. I have been teaching senior students for 15 years and I have an experience of valuation of high school exam answer books for 9 years. In this article, I am providing some tips to get good marks in examination.

How to study different subjects?

You must adopt a good procedure to study different subjects. Study every subject according to the pattern of the paper of board examination. I am providing some tips to study different subjects:

Languages like Hindi, English and Sanskrit

It is observed that student neglect the main language and study main language only in the exam time. I will suggest you to study languages from the starting of the session. You can get good marks in languages. In languages essay, application and unseen passages are asked to solve. These are good topics to get good marks. You can get good marks by solving these topics. In languages you must study the grammar. I have found most of the students study text books and question answers which generally cover 25% marks of the paper, and grammar portion covers 75% of marks. So, you must study grammar of every language. In Sanskrit shlogs and story are also asked in paper. You can get good marks in story and shlogs also. Try to learn tenses in English which is the base of English. Tenses, active & passive voice and direct & indirect speech must be learnt by every student to learn English grammar.


Most of the students have mathematics phobia. They do not want to solve problems and always try to escape from maths homework. But, mathematics is the easiest subject if your basics are clear. Try to learn basic concepts of mathematics and you will find all of your fear gone away. It is the most interesting subject and you can get 100% marks in mathematics. You can take the help of your teacher and your elders to clear your doubts but be interest to solve maths problems to improve your mathematics.


Science is also one of the most interesting subjects. You can also cover 100% marks in science. Generally students try to learn answer in science and do not try to practice diagram. Remember if a question of 5 marks is asked then you would be allotted 3marks for diagram and 2 marks to explain the answer. So, try to practice diagram first. You can explain the answer with the help of diagram. Do not forget to label the diagram you will get 1 mark for labeling. Any answer is incomplete without diagram in science. It is also given in instruction that draw a diagram wherever necessary. Sometimes it is not mentioned in question to draw diagram but draw diagram to explain the question in better way.
So, by drawing diagram you can get good marks in science.

Social Science

You need to explain the matter as much as possible in social science. You have to provide as much information as possible related to question. Try to write your answer in points. Give your points first and then explain every point with suitable examples to get good marks in social science. Try to study maps as much as possible. Lengthy answers are needed in social science to get good marks.


So, by managing your study you can get good marks in high school examination. All the above tips are provided on my experience of 15 years. Try to follow above instructions, I hope you will get good marks in high school examination. MPBSE also helps the students by clearing their doubts at exam time. If you have any doubt you can take the help of help line number provided by MPBSE on its official site.


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