Reserve Bank Of India Recruitment 2013 for Assistant Vacancies

RBI invites candidates for applying for the post of Assistant.candidates should have age between 18 years to 28 years.SC or ST category candidates have age relaxation upto five years.The Applicant should at least have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university or board.All the candidates who passes the eligibility tests are called for written examination and interview. The eligible Applicants should fill online application form,in between 30th May 2013 to 20th June, 2013 in

Reserve Bank of India invites candidates for applying for the post of Assistant.Indian Citizenship is required for the job seekers.
1). The candidate should between 18 years to 28 years.There is age relaxation upto five years for the candidates belonging to SC or ST category. This is allowed up to 31 years. Three years relaxation is allowed for OBC category. Such candidates should not be above twenty nine years of age.

2).QUALIFICATIONS:- The Applicant for the post of Assistant should at least have a bachelor's degree. The degree should be from a recognized university or board which is recognized.

3).A certificate of having passed class X Board is required by an applicant applying for the post of Office Assistant. For detailed information read Reserve Bank of India Recruitment 2013 - 2014 advertisement,link given below.

All the candidates who passes the eligibility tests are called for written examination and interview.Qualifying candidates will be eligible for qualifying interview.Finally the selection Board of RBI will decide the name of the selected candidate. Selected candidates will be included in the waiting list. Character, medical fitness, sports certificates and other verifications are the deciding factors for the final candidate list for the posts.

The eligible Applicants should fill online application form, for RBI Assistant Recruitment project in between 30th May 2013 to 20th June, 2013
in the following website:-


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