Chhota Imambara Monument Lucknow Uttar Pradesh

Chhota Imambara is a famous monument of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh which was built by Muhammad Ali Shah

Chhota Imambara Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Chhota Imambara is one of the famous monuments in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. It is also knows as 'Hussainabad Imambara'. Chhota Imambara has several minarets and turrets too with a gilded dome. You can also find tombs of Muhammad Ali Shah at Chhota Imambara.

Chhota Imambara Lucknow Uttar Pradesh

Who Built Chhota Imambara Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Chhota Imambara was built by Muhammad Ali Shah who was the third Nawab of Avadh in the year 1938. The chandeliers used on Chhota Imambara to decorate it was brought from Belgium, and there were thousands of labors who worked to make it to gain famin relief. Among the minarets, golden dome is most attractive in whole visiting place Chhota Imambara Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. These chandeliers were from India and abroad too.

Satkhanda at Chhota Imambara Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Satkhanda at Chhota Imambara is the another attraction which is situated outside of Imambara. It is a watch tower which is called as Satkhanda or tower of seven storeys. It was made for watching moon. Satkhanda was built in 1837-1842 in the rule of Mohammad Ali shah.


Guest Author: K MOHAN15 Dec 2010

Good post. These kind of information will enhance the prestige of this site and also helpful to the visitors who come to Lucknow. Good work.

K Mohan

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