Karnataka special Mavinakai Midi uppinakai(Pickle) Recipe
Many know what is Mavinakai Midi uppinakai but very few know how to prepare this recipe. This Karnataka special preparation is known to very few people. But most of them buy from shops. So in this article I am going to explain how to prepare Mavinakai midi uppinakai in detail just learn and try it out!
Mavinakai Midi Uppinakai Recipe :
Ingredients required to prepare Mavinaki Midi uppinakai :
1.midi mavinakayi(small variety of green mangoes-4 cups
2.salt-1 cup
3.red chilli powder-1/4 cup
4.turmeric powder-1 tsp
5.mustard seeds-1 tsp(raw)
6.menthya(methi seeds)-1 tsp(raw)
7.Asafoetida-1 tspMethod to prepare Mavina Midi Uppinakai :
1.To prepare teh Mavina Midi Uppinakai wash the midi mavinakayi and spread them on a muslin cloth to remove excess water and moisture.
2.Add salt, and midi mavina kayi together and keep in a bottle or jadi.
stir once in 3 days.
3.After 8 to 10 days,salt will become watery,and mavinakayi will shrink.
4.Remove the excess salt water a little,then add red chilli powder,turmeric powder,menthya,mustard seeds ,Asafoetida together to the midi mavina kayi.
5.Wash the mixer grinder also with that rest of salt water and add to the mavina kayi and mix well properly.
6.Pour into a jar.Mud or porcelain jar will be good.
7. After two or three days check whether the mavinakai pieces are soft and then you can eat it!
I hope this is the season for midi mangoes, that is the reason you have enclosed this resource.