2011 KBC 5 Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot contest
What is the phone number to send SMS for Kaun Banega Crorepati Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot contest answer? What is the landline phone number to send the answer option for the Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot contest? This article answers these queries by giving the list of ways to send correct answer option for Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot contest.
Those who are watching KBC 5 should not switch channels during the advertisement breaks! It is during the breaks that host superstar Amitabh Bachchanasks a question for the Ghar Baithe Jeeto contest on KBC 5.
You can send your answer via SMS or via phone. The computer will randomly select the winner who bags Rs.1 lakh. What's more, this winner can win a further Rs.2 lakh by answering a question which Amitabh Bachchan will ask over the phone. If the answer given is correct, the winner gets Rs.3 lakh!! However, if the answer is wrong, even the initial Rs.1 lakh is lost.
Viewers can thus participate in the Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot contest & win a total of Rs.3lakh. Cool! How to send answer option for KBC 5 Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot contest
IDEA Subscribers
Example: If your answer is option B then SMS KBCQ B to 5252525.
BSNL Landline Subscribers
All other subscribers
Send your answer by SMS to 5252525
Example: If your answer is option D then SMS KBCQ D to 5252525.
August 15th KBC 5 Ghar Baithe Jeeto Jackpot contest question 1
Look out for the daily question and answer at: KBC 5 resources.