South Indian actress Sneha Biography, wall papers, videos and personnel details

This article gives you complete details about the Tamil film actress Sneha.

Nowadays the number of homely actresses in cinema industry has been countable. But in that list, the number one Tamil actress is, Sneha. Homely Tamil cinema actress Sneha is one of the calm and lovely actresses. Sneha has acted in lots of language movies like, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam and Kannada.

DOB of Sneha is 12/10/1981 that is October 12.

Debut movie of Sneha in Tamil is always has been a talkable. Because Sneha's Virumbukiraen and Sneha's Ennavalae were released most probabily at the same time. Even though Sneha's virumbukiraen released, earlier, Sneha's debut movie is Ennavalae which took her in Tamil cinema camera first.

Sneha sexyBest year of Sneha's film career is 2002 and Sneha acted totally 8 movies in that year.

Very first movie of Sneha is Ingane oru nilapakshi. One of the best Hit movies of Sneha is Anandham. Sneha's anandham ran successfully in the theatres more than 100 days.

Sneha free wall papers

Sneha free video downloads

Sneha personnel details including mobile numbers


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