How to prepare tamil recipe Bread Kuli Paniyaram?

Kulipaniyaram is the favourite, tasty breakfast and dinner recipe for everyone. Bread Kulipaniyaram is such a different evening recipe and tasty one. Try the preparation of bread recipe which was given below. View the many bread varieties in our

Bread Kulipaniyaram

Bread is the healthy and evening snacks for everyone. We can prepare many varieties in Bread. Bread Kulipaniyaram is the some of different recipe, Childrens like to eat it. Follow the steps to prepare the Bread Kulipaniyaram as given below.

Ingredients for Bread Kuli Paniyaram

• Bread - 6 slices
• Dosa Batter - 2 cups
• Onion - 2
• Carrot - 2
• Ginger Paste - 1 tsp
• Green Chilly Paste - 1 tsp
• Curd - 1 cup
• Mustard - 1/2 tsp
• Coriander Leaves - Small bunch
• Oil - as required
• Salt - as required

Methods to prepare Bread Kulipaniyaram

Bread Kulipaniyaram• Cut the Onion into small pieces and grate the carrot.
• Grind the Bread in Mixie and make as a Bread Powder
• Take a Bowl, Put Bread Powder, add curd, Green Chilly Paste, Ginger Paste and Salt
• Take a Pan, add Oil, mustard, put Onion, Carrot, coriander leaves and fry well
• Mix those all contents in Dosa Batter
• Take a Kuli Paniyaram Pan and add oil. Make a Bread Kulipaniyaram and enjoy to eat healthy recipe.
• Sauce, Chutney is the good combination for Bread Kulipaniyaram


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