Madurai to Chennai Duronto Express not to be operated till September this year
Are you looking for the latest Information on the Duronto Express? This is the train that was scheduled to run between the stations Chennai to Madurai and Chennai to Thiruvananthapuram. The Train was planned in 2011 but the trains are not operating till now though it was planned to operate before many months. Get to know the latest updates about Duronto Express form Chennai to Madurai.
Madurai to Chennai Duronto Express not to be operated till September this year
It is the latest news that the Madurai Duronto Express would not be available till the September this year. The statement was first made when Mamtha Banergee was the Railway Minister of the country. This was one of the oldest plans as far as the government is concerned. But the government has failed to do this project in the time specified in the budget published much before.
In the budget statement made before some months Mamatha stated that there would be Duronto Express available from Chennai to Madurai and from Chennai to Thiruvananthapuram. In the same year in a time table made by the southern railways the trains arrival and destination times were available. But even after this the government has taken such a long time to run these trains as planned before.
In this stage the last budget was also planned before some months in the march 14th this year. Yet there are no signs of running the trains as of now, these shows that the plans are made but they are not implemented y the government and it is a sign of inefficiency of the government. In the words of the railway minister "the coaches required for the train is not available at the moment and this is why there is a delay in the operation of the Duronto trains.
In the year 2011 there were about 18 trains that were announced to be introduced to be run between Tamil Nadu and Kerala. Almost all the other trains other than the Duronto express started its operation on the way but these have been so much delayed as there are many questions that are arising because of the unavailability of these trains as scheduled before. It is a significant thing to note that the coaches that ran for the Rajdhani express for about 15 to 16 years have been brought to Chennai for the purpose of Duronto. Soon the trains for Duronto got ready to start its operation on the first week of the august.
The trains were brought to the basin paalam which is located at Chennai for slight modification and the new stickers and repairs where done to the train to make them look like a brand new train that would run from Chennai to Madurai. There grew one more problem that stopped the train's schedule where the trains from Mysore to Chennai central Shadapthi express had some problems in them and there was to be a check on Shadapthi trains and the Duronto express that was kept ready for operation was made to run as Shadapthi express connecting Mysore and Chennai Central.
In this stage the spare parts of the train were not available with the mechanics working to correct the Shadapthi and they have said that there would be certainly more time needed to correct them as the spare parts are not available and they had to wait till the spare parts arrive at Chennai Basin. Hence the railway minister extended the trains that were converted to Shadapthi to run for more days till the original Shadapthi get ready and so the trains possibility of running between the tracks of Chennai to Madurai is absent as of now.