Nations pays the price for giving Manmohan Singh a second term
This article sees to bear the punishment of not having effected the leadership change of Congress at the right juncture. The writing on the wall is clear and loud. The general mass is not that liberal to hand over the reigns of nation into the hands of a party who has thrown the nation down the gutter. Only the coming election would rid off the nation free from the burden of the burden of the present government.
It has gotten now clearer that due to the Manmohan government, misery of the Congress is going to multiply many times over in the next general elections because it has to eat the humble pies on every front. So huge have these failures grown into that the Congress appears to be sinking deep down this morass. In the present situations, its claims of 'India growing' and 'miles to go ahead' seem to be making a mockery of it. Now the chances of happening this also have grown very much brighter that by the times election approaches, more skeletons would tumble out of its closet. For these reasons, the anger towards Congress would so much intensify that would transform into a strong wave wafting against the Congress. Whether the BJP would stand to gain from the wave or not, the Congress cannot save itself from its shocking impact. It could be satisfied with this that the strength of third or fourth fronts would be in its interest because these rogue fronts would be under the compulsion of taking the help of the Congress to form government. No one knows what decision the general masses take through the votes, but this could be supposed that it must be feeling the mistakes it had committed in 2009. The example of how even the majority of a country commit the mistake was the result of 2009 elections. The country is reaping the consequences of bringing in the Manmohan Singh's government in power at the center.
Second term of Manmohan government has been disastrous to the extremes
The second stint of Manmohan Government has proved to be utterly ruinous. India is a victim of directionless leadership. During this period, the task of deliberately pushing the nation to brink has been carried out. Manmohan Singh government did not do all those things, which were expected of it and were necessary also. Many among those works were those which were promised from the own mouth of Manmohan himself. Instead of fulfilling the declared goals, he went on creating committees and commissions and such a situation formed up that the whole hog of this government are pressed under the burden of these committees and commissions. The worst thing that could have happened during this period is that Manmohan Singh lost his energy, capacity, sense of direction in addition to his prestige also. His honesty and economic specialty is now a matter of joke. On the one hand, he does never open his mouth on the most serious issues and if speaks at all sometimes, it is in such a fashion that makes a character of laughter. Today, it is difficult to search a Congressman, who has expressed satisfaction over the I-Day speech of Manmohan Singh.
Manmohan plays the innocent boy role
Manmohan Singh expresses as if he neither does watch TV-newspapers nor does he know how the people of the nation is feeling about him, his misrule and the plight of nation. Since he has lost the confidence of the people of the nation along with his shine, no one can have faith in any of his promises. When the rupees in terms of dollar tumbled at 62, he simply muttered, 1991 situation would not be let to arrive, but soon after a few hours, rupee went down further at 65 per dollar. If 1991 like situation has already begun, it would be better to live with the notion that situation is going to deteriorate further downhill.
Change of guard was necessary in 2010
The PM has lost the will to run the affairs of nation and the capacity to improve the worsening situation. Nevertheless, Sonia Gandhi and her advisors are refuse to read the writing on the wall that sitting glued to the chair of PM by Manmohan Singh is good neither for the Congress nor for the nation nor for herself. Had Congress decided for a change of leadership in 2010, the conditions would have been different today. Immediate election is the only solution left now to India's problems. No doubt, the decision of the change in leadership would have been surprising, but this would not have been something new or unique, because, Indra kumar Gujral had become PM in place of Haradanahalli Doddegowda Deve Gowda due to the Congress. The change of guard of prime minister could have taken place at any time like at the time of cancellation of appointment of scarred P J Thomas as CIC or after the demand of affidavit 2G Spectrums from the PMO or after cancellation of 2G Spectrum decision. Instead, Congress not only kept singing the name of Manmohan Singh went on making the noise of his abilities in foreign countries despite the entire predicament. It kept on publicizing of his honesty even then. While the entire world knew the handiwork of changing the report of CBI in coal block allotment scam was the work of the joint secretary of the PMO and none else, he was let to sit on the high pedestal even after this episode. If one talks propriety, the PM should have resigned immediately. However, he did not do so nor he did ever give the hint for this. On the contrary, he was busy in giving clean chit to the law minister who was also instrumental in carrying out this dirty job. Prior to this, he had already given clean chit to renowned bunglers the likes of whom are Suresh Kalmadi, A Raja and Ottavio Quattrocchi.