Country is wrestling with all round anarchy
This article sees a direct connection between the falling standard in moral values and increasing criminalization of politics. The society and government have abysmally failed in providing women such environ where they could feel themselves fully safe and secured. This is an indicator of the structure of internal security of the country and a reason to worry also.
One more collective rape this time round was committed in Mumbai where it was unheard of. A photojournalist was the victim. Wave of anger and lament swept all over the nation after the incident that took place on 22 August. The shame hit the national conscience with a double whammy, because this heinous crime was carried out in the financial capital of nation where women are considered safe comparatively. This barbaric act was done in the evening noise in the middle of the central part of Mumbai. In India, the society and government have been unable to create an atmosphere, where women can feel secured. This tells a lot of the country's basic structure, indicating towards the weak nature of internal security of our country. This also is a huge worrying factor. If this issue of internal security is not as bigger, it is at least, as much worrisome as the falling of rupee for the economy is. The insensate administration is not capable to ensure this that such type of occurrences could be leashed on and if at all the incidents take place, the culprits are immediately caught and severely punished. Girls are treated as burden
Deeply rooted socio-cultural attitude in our society treats girls as a heavy burden. Women are given the status of 'Devi' but only for showing off. The ground reality is just opposite to this. Around 24000 cases of rape are registered every year in our country. The point to be noted here is that majority of rape cases do not become known owing to the fear of stigma of society or out of the threats heaped upon the women, violated by the rapists. Whenever such type of brazen event happens, people of the nation begin boiling with anger. Whole country was shaken by the collective rape incident in Delhi that had taken place the last year. Nevertheless, things come back to its normal self after a time once again. This indifference, being perpetrated on almost half of country's populace by the judiciary and legislature, befuddles every one. Sex discrimination has become a standard procedure. Family, panchayat, school-college, corporate legislature etc do not seem to be interested in making such laws which could free the women off this atrocities committed on them. It is a matter of great sorrow that the girls that are victims of rape are treated as if they are characterless and amoral while majority of the rapists are walking free in society. They do not have the fear of punishment, harassment or to be put into a state of being socially ostracized. People are following into the footsteps of politicians
Perhaps the average masses are imitating the lifestyle of our elected representatives. The number of representatives with criminal background is mounting year after year in the parliament and the state legislatures in a very faster pace. This form emerges up by the evaluation of those electoral collegiums that had voted in the presidential election of India in 2012. The 'National Election Watch' had done the analysis of 4835 affidavits filed by the people's representatives, included amongst them were MPs and MLAs. Out of the total of them representatives, 1448 i.e. 31 % were found accused of crimes of various nature. We do not know how President Pranav Mukherjee must have felt by having been elected through the medium of such a despicable aspect of system. Are people's representatives above the law of land?
To prove this that the legislators are above law, last week in Maharashtra, legislators did an ugly demonstration of their power. The day, the Mumbai journalist was collectively raped, one Shiv Sena Legislator created a ruckus of sort in Nasik at a tollbooth. The reason was because; the toll worker had demanded the toll tax from the legislator simply because he was riding in a private car. The concerned legislator denied the incident but the TV footage of this incident was for all to see. The blot of one more shameful happening is daubed on the face of Maharashtra. The week in which the collective rape was committed and the tollbooth incident happened, the famoussocial activist NarendraDabholkar was murder in cold blood. The manner in which the anarchy and chaos in Pune is pervasive all around, the possibility of the culprits being punished is scant.The scenario of nation is very discouraging
In this desperate background, it is surprising to see that despite the closing of the doors leading to the parliament or legislatures for the criminal representatives by the Supreme Court, these people's representatives would stand united in one voice to negate SC efforts by amending the related provisions. Irony is that the decision was taken also on 22 August. Enfold
When the delicate amendment in the people's representation Act would be presented in the parliament, this is certain to be passed smoothly without any opposition. There are two layers of democracy in India. In the upper layer comes the elite class i.e. the elected representatives and such affluent people who can play with the laws of land to serve their purposes and could make the judiciary and to the extent of even the Supreme Court redundant. On the other layer are perched the general masses who has o be the victims of the increasing barbarism and cruelty by every increasing day. This has become the main principle of the greatest democracy of world. It is sad perversion is the hallmark of the contemporary dispensation.