Process of Socialization and its types
Right from infancy, no individual is transformed to a well mannered, cultured adult without the proper dosage of socialization. Well socialization, is a well known concept in sociology and psychology, wherein a person learns to conform to the norms of the group through learning and individualization. The languages and social interaction are the main agencies of socialization. This may seem to be a normal process, but an accurate transformation of a child to a well cultured man takes place through this proce
Right from infancy, no individual is transformed to a well mannered, cultured adult without the proper dosage of socialization. Well socialization, is a well known concept in sociology and psychology, wherein a person learns to conform to the norms of the group through learning and individualization. The languages and social interaction are the main agencies of socialization. This may seem to be a normal process, but an accurate transformation of a child to a well cultured man takes place through this process. The process of socialization takes place continuously in a human being. Let us now examine the various types of socialization.
The various types of socialization:
1. Primary socialization: This type of socialization as the name indicates, takes place in the primary phase of an individual's life. It takes place from birth till around the age of 12 to 13 years. It is in this type, that a child learns to recognize its parents and relatives, learns the language of the group, develops toilet training, goes to school, recognizes the society, and tries to learn the basic norms and culture of the group. Primary socialization is a must for any individual and it helps the child to conform to the norms of the group in the initial stage itself.
2. Anticipatory socialization: In society when an individual is anticipating being a member of another new group, he/she is trained in a particular manner so as to conducively assimilate with the members of the new group. Such type of socialization is called anticipatory socialization.
For example: The girls of Indian community are taught by their mothers and other family members to behave well, wear sari, learn basic cooking and housekeeping, with an anticipation that the girl will have to get married, and learn to accommodate in the new household.
3. Re-socialization: In this type of socialization the learning process is totally twined into new learning which the group or the individual was not familiar before. It takes place in a very accidental situation. All human beings confront with this type of socialization one or the other time in their life span.
For example: The situation of a girl who is forced into prostitution without any hope for escape and livelihood. Initially in order to live she has to learn to the norms of the new groups for sustaining her life. Similarly the rehabilitated families of the tribal communities or the poor people when they are shifted to a new dwelling undergo re-socialization in order to live in a new setup or environment.
4. Adult socialization: This particular type indicates the socialization of the major adults, which cover their entire lifespan. The norms to which they have to conform, with regard to marriage, family undertakings, religious ceremonies, managing their livelihood, upbringing of children etc. come within the sphere of adult socialization. Here the adult have to be the role models for the younger generations, wherein they will inculcate major of their habits and attitudes from the adults.
Hence each type of socialization has its own zone of importance in grooming our habits, attitudes, behaviour in an orderly manner in society.