The joys of living in the smaller towns

Contrary to public perception, there is a huge advantage of living in smaller towns,particularly those that have emergency medical services within reach. These towns offer a number of plus points and these are sought to be discussed in this article.

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The smaller towns of India are booming. Vijayawada, Madurai, Ranchi, Indore, Vizag, Warangal, Gulbarga, Tiruchirapalli and Cochin are among the most livable cities of India. These cities are much smaller than the four big metro cities. They are growing so fast,though.When compared to the big metros, these cities have the following advantages.

Living in independent houses

The outskirts of these cities or towns have all the advantages of the city centers. They have the big advantage of a good number of good independent houses for rent. One often finds good gated communities of such independent houses as well. Medical facilities are also available within a ten minute drive. The independent houses are very good in terms of fresh breeze and lighting. The oxygen levels in such houses are always very high.

Unpolluted environments

These smaller cities and towns are quite unpolluted when compared to the metro cities. Since the presence of industries is limited, the air is always fresh. There is plenty of moving space and far less traffic on the roads. While it is quite tree the number of fresh registrations of cars and two wheelers is going up in these cities as well, there is still a big gap between what is now the reality in the big cities.

Presence of good CBSE schools

Thanks to growing incomes of the bankers, the government staff, those working in major private companies having their zonal offices in these cities or towns, or the rich agriculturists, there are too many high quality private schools run by entrepreneurs. These CBSE schools offer good English medium education and it can be safely said that the quality of education in such schools is quite good. They also attract the best teachers and the residential schools are often able to attract very high quality teachers who prefer to work in smaller townships with all amenities.

Hence, even if the banking staff or such other transferrable professionals live in such environments and put their children into such CBSE schools, they do not suffer in any way when they are transferred to other locations.

Lesser living expenses

Since the smaller towns do not have the trappings of big city life,, they do not have the distractions as well. For example, there is no maintenance charge payable when one lives in an independent house. Even gated communities having independent houses do not charge much. Lesser servant maid costs, lesser hotel food costs, lesser cost of fruits and vegetables and much lesser transport costs will enable one to save an additional Rs2000 per month on a cumulative basis. Those who live in the residential townships near these towns, thar is, if employed in the sugar companies or paper companies and so on, end up saving huge amounts, as the house comes free. So does the electricity. The cost of school education in the schools run by the Management also works out to be far less.

Better social relationships

Another important aspect is the quality of social relationships. Lesser commuting time means more time on hand. People do utilize their time to socialize with others and they do so, to a much larger extent. This makes for far better social life.


It is highly unlikely that the aforesaid towns or cities will have the fifty lakh population in another two decades. This is a good pointer to the high quality of living in such cities for a good length of time.


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