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Canara Bank education loan Scheme in Tamilnadu

Canara bank offers educational loan to student pursuing higher education in the colleges or universities of India or abroad. Those who want to seek admission in graduation, post graduation or any other training oriented courses can apply for the educational loan in canara bank. The bank may review the application bounded to certain rules and regulation to sanction the loan.

Details, terms and condition of education loan in Indian Bank

The India Bank offers educational loan to eligible students who are willing to pursue their higher studies in India or abroad. The bank follows all the required terms and condition laid by the Reserve bank of India. They follow some easy procedures to provide the said loan to the needy students.

Complete details of SBI career loan scheme in Tamilnadu

State bank of India provides three types of education loan to the students who want to pursue their higher studies. SBI student loan which meant for higher education, SBI career loan which meant for training courses, SBI education plus which meant for distance education courses.

Complete details of SBI education plus loan in Tamilnadu

The SBI education plus loan is specially meant for those who are willing to continue their higher education through distance education courses or part-time courses. The loan is sanctioned to the employees of state government, central government or private firms etc.

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