Religions in India

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Why Hindus and Muslims parted ways after living together for centuries

There have been enough of talks on pseudo secularism. The only way left out is crusade for a secular administration will have to be fought from scratch because aggressiveness of the majority could extend to dictatorship. The believers in democracy should not sit silently at this crucial juncture. This article tells the saga of how two communities-Hindus-Muslim living together for centuries, were separated.

How churches raise their funds to support their activities.

In this resource article we are going to learn how a church raises its funds. The various modes of fund raising methods including special fund raising events , pledges taken by worshippers, giving at freewill , sale of articles and identifying church sponsors are some of the methods discussed here.

Samaritans and Gentiles benefited from their proximity to the Jews.

In this article we learn that Jesus came to safe the lost sheep of Israel. Most of the Israelites did not accept him as a messiah, his miraculous powers and teachings. The Samaritans ended up benefiting one from their proximity to the Jews and two, from the fact that they believed in Christ.

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